Caesarean Section


Pregnancy and childbirth are physiological phenomena, although in some cases it becomes impossible to terminate the birth naturally, due to the vital interests of the mother and fetus, and it becomes necessary to perform a caesarean section;

Chachava Clinic is trained by highly qualified staff. The operating rooms are equipped with the latest medical equipment, which allows us to assist the patient in case of any complications;

Operating blocks are provided with ultra-modern, disposable medical supplies;

The walls and floor in the operating unit are covered with a bactericidal coating of vinyl;

The latest ventilation system is used for aeration twice a minute, which minimizes the risk of infectious complications;

A special environment ensures the psycho-emotional balance of the mother;

We care about the safety of you and your baby. 

Within 2 hours of the C-section, you and your baby will be tranferred to a room of your choice.